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Making Sense of the System

May 30, 2024

Early in 2024, Flying Kites launched a new online event series designed to help people navigate the New Zealand disability system; in particular, those with Individualised Funding.

More and more, we are meeting people who have never had the basics of the disability sector explained to them; it is really hard to get the best out of your support when you don’t understand what it is and how it works.

In response to this need, we created five free online events covering topics such as an overview of the disability system and individualised funding, finding great staff, preparing for a needs assessment, and planning for the future.

All events were free and suitable for disabled people, whānau and professionals throughout Aotearoa.

Navigating the Disability System

Whaikaha, NASCs and the available support services; how they work, what is their function, and who you should talk to?

View the recorded session >

Individualised Funding (IF): Clarifying the Basics

What is IF? What is a Host agency? How do you get the best out of your funding, and why are the rules so confusing?

View the recorded session >

Finding Great Staff

If you have Individualised Funding you might want to hire your own staff. This session will cover some tips and tricks that can not only help you find someone, but make sure they are the right person for you.

View the recorded session >

Preparing for a Needs Assessment

What you can do to prepare for a needs assessment, including how to help the NASC understand your situation and the support you need.

View the recorded session >

Planning for the Future

How services change as you get older; how to plan for the future; and what things you can do now to make life easier down the track.

View the recorded session >

Participate in Future Events

If you are interested in future ‘Making Sense of the System’ events and conversations, please subscribe to our newsletter >